DealerRater for Developers

ConnectionsEmployee Entity

The employee entity contains information about an individual dealer employee. Employees need to be configured by certified dealer managers. Their primary use is to allow reviewers to tag employees that they dealt with in their review as they write it, which in turn lets us filter and report to other end users on reviews written for particular employees.

Sample ConnectionsEmployee XML

ConnectionsEmployee Attributes

Attribute Type Description
AtDealershipSince date/years/months The date that the employee joined the dealership (this is in the "Date" property). We also offer the number of years and months since "now" (the API invocation time) for convenience. This will change over time, so please be aware.
AverageRating double An average rating (1-5) of all reviews this employee has been tagged in. If the employee does not yet have a rating, the field will be null or an empty element (for xml: <AverageRating i:nil="true"/>)
Biography string Each employee can optionally have a biography. The biographies are normally a few paragraphs and serve to introdce a consumer to the employee.
Certified bool true if this is a certified employee, false otherwise
DealerId int The primary key of the dealer to which this employee belongs.
DealershipName string The full name of the dealership.
Department string The department that the employee belongs to at the dealer.
EmployeeCertifications string array A list of optional certifications that the employee has listed in their profile.
FirstName string The employee's first name.
Id int The employee's primary key. Used to uniquely identify an employee in the system.
ImageURL string Fully qualified URL to the employee's image. The URL given uses HTTP; the endpoint does support HTTPS, but given a defect in our CDN provider's service, the certificate will come back invalid. If you have a valid usecase that requires access to uploaded images via HTTPS, please contact our IT staff.
InIndustrySince date/years/months The date that the employee joined the automotive industry (this is in the "Date" property). We also offer the number of years and months since "now" (the API invocation time) for convenience. This will change over time, so please be aware.
LastName string The employee's last name.
Position string The employee's position (or job title) at the dealer.
RecentReviewCount int The number of reviews the employee has been tagged in over the last 30 days.
TotalReviews int The total number of reviews this employee has been tagged in.
AgentId string The Agent ID of the employee at the dealership.
EmailAddress string Email address of the employee (available only to partner type)