DealerRater for Developers

Dealer Entity

The dealer entity contains information about a single dealer in the DealerRater system, including basic metadata (name, address, etc) and information about overall ratings (by category, by visit reason, etc).

Sample Dealer XML

Dealer Attributes

Attribute Type Description
Id int The dealers's primary key. Used to uniquely identify a dealer in the system.
Name string The name of the dealer.
Address string The main address for the dealer.
City string The city the dealer resides in.
State string The state the dealer resides in.
PostalCode string The postal code for the dealer.
ReviewPageUrl URI Fully qualified URI that can be used to access the dealer's review page.
Country string The country the dealer resides in.
SalesPhone string The primary phone number for the sales department.
ServicePhone string The primary phone number for the service department.
PartsPhone string The primary phone number for the parts department.
WebAddress string The dealership's website.
Certified boolean True if the dealership is certified with DealerRater.
BasicListing boolean True if the dealership is a BasicListing dealership.
Latitude double Geo-positioning coordinates for the dealer.
Longitude double Geo-positioning coordinates for the dealer.
AboutUs string A brief biography about the dealer.
ReviewSummary/TotalLifetimeReviews1 int The total number of lifetime reviews the dealer has received.
ReviewSummary/TotalServiceReviews1 int The total number of service reviews the dealer has received in the last 24 month period.
ReviewSummary/Ratings xml element The XML element that contains one or more dynamic rating collection
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating xml element The XML element that stores the rating type name rating type value for a rating. These ratings may be included or excluded depending on whether they are available for the dealer or not.
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating/Name string The name of the rating type whose value will be in the adjacent Value element.
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating/Value1 double The rating value for the rating type in the adjacent element. 0 for this value means it is not rated for this type.
ReviewSummary/TotalReviews int DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/TotalNewSalesReviews int DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/TotalUsedSalesReviews int DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageServiceRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageNewSalesRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageUsedSalesRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageCustomerServiceRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageFriendlinessRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageQualityOfWorkRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AveragePriceRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AveragePriceTransparencyRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AveragePurchaseTimeRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageServiceTimeRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageTradeExperienceRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageFinanceExperienceRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageWorkmanshipRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
ReviewSummary/AverageCommunicationRating double DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero.
1: A value of zero or an empty element indicates that this dealer has no reviews in that category.