Id |
int |
The dealers's primary key. Used to uniquely identify a dealer in the system. |
Name |
string |
The name of the dealer. |
Address |
string |
The main address for the dealer. |
City |
string |
The city the dealer resides in. |
State |
string |
The state the dealer resides in. |
PostalCode |
string |
The postal code for the dealer. |
ReviewPageUrl |
Fully qualified URI that can be used to access the dealer's review page. |
Country |
string |
The country the dealer resides in. |
SalesPhone |
string |
The primary phone number for the sales department. |
ServicePhone |
string |
The primary phone number for the service department. |
PartsPhone |
string |
The primary phone number for the parts department. |
WebAddress |
string |
The dealership's website. |
Certified |
boolean |
True if the dealership is certified with DealerRater. |
BasicListing |
boolean |
True if the dealership is a BasicListing dealership. |
Latitude |
double |
Geo-positioning coordinates for the dealer. |
Longitude |
double |
Geo-positioning coordinates for the dealer. |
AboutUs |
string |
A brief biography about the dealer. |
ReviewSummary/TotalLifetimeReviews1 |
int |
The total number of lifetime reviews the dealer has received. |
ReviewSummary/TotalServiceReviews1 |
int |
The total number of service reviews the dealer has received in the last 24 month period. |
ReviewSummary/Ratings |
xml element |
The XML element that contains one or more dynamic rating collection |
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating |
xml element |
The XML element that stores the rating type name rating type value for a rating. These ratings may be included or excluded depending on whether they are available for the dealer or not. |
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating/Name |
string |
The name of the rating type whose value will be in the adjacent Value element. |
ReviewSummary/Ratings/Rating/Value1 |
double |
The rating value for the rating type in the adjacent element. 0 for this value means it is not rated for this type. |
ReviewSummary/TotalReviews |
int |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/TotalNewSalesReviews |
int |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/TotalUsedSalesReviews |
int |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageServiceRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageNewSalesRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageUsedSalesRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageCustomerServiceRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageFriendlinessRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageQualityOfWorkRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AveragePriceRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AveragePriceTransparencyRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AveragePurchaseTimeRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageServiceTimeRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageTradeExperienceRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageFinanceExperienceRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageWorkmanshipRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |
ReviewSummary/AverageCommunicationRating |
double |
DEPRECATED. This value is no longer being computed nor provided and is now hardcoded to zero. |