DealerRater for Developers

Dealer Department Manufacturers Collection

Use this API to retrieve a matrix mapping valid departments (SALES_NEW, LEASE_NEW, etc) to manufacturers for a given dealer. Not all dealers are capable of having reviews submitted for all departments. Dealers must be specifically configured in our system to allow for reviews to be submitted as SALES_NEW, SERVICE, etc. Additionally, the set of valid manufacturers for a given department will vary depending on the dealer in question; for example, a dealer that is configured as an OEM retailer for Toyota cannot have a SALES_NEW review submitted for Honda. To see the complete list of available manufacturers in the system that this API might return, please see the Manufacturers Collection API.


Attribute Description
dealerId Set this to the ID of the dealer to fetch the department/manufacturer list for.

For example, the URL to get the available departments and manufacturers for dealer ID 47 is /Dealers/47/DepartmentManufacturers.

Common Request Parameters

All APIs support the following request parameters, in addition to any API specific parameters.

t json or xml. Identifies if you want to communicate in JSON or XML format. t=xml
s Your DealerRater supplied security token. This must be sent with every request. s=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
method GET, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. Identifies the REST verb. method=GET


Use the GET verb to retrieve matrix describing the valid departments and manufacturers for a given dealer.

Request Parameters

This API does not accept any additional request parameters.

Request XML/JSON

This API does not accept XML or JSON data in the request.


The API will respond with an XML or JSON document with a matrix identifying the valid set of departments and manufacturers for the dealer. A sample XML response is indicated in the code block below, with a downloadable sample mock provided in either XML or JSON format. Note that the response document will include references to the following object types:

Entity Description
Status API call status.
Manufacturer Defines a single Manufacturer in the system.

The valid set of departments that could potentially be returned includes SALES_NEW, SALES_USED, SERVICE, LEASE_NEW and LEASE_USED.


This API does not support the INSERT verb.


This API does not support the UPDATE verb.


This API does not support the DELETE verb.